I enjoy wrapping presents, however, when it comes to tying pretty, fluffy bows I'm all thumbs. My way around this is to simply not use ribbon and bows. My adornment of choice is anything that can be clipped fresh from the yard -- greenery, berries, shrubs, wildflowers, even dried hydrangeas. It's amazing how beautiful simple things from nature can make a gift.

With this present that I recently wrapped I used elegant silver and white paper that we picked up at Ikea last year. I lined the inside of the box with pink tissue paper and then used the same pink tissue to make a simple band of color around the outside. To add just a bit more color and some depth without attempting a bow I stepped out to the side yard and clipped a sprig of greenery off of the gardenia bush which I tucked it into the tissue on top. Yes, the bit of greenery did the trick beautifully and I didn't have to fumble with ribbon and bows!