This Christmas season the professor and I are making a conscious effort to help Boo experience the joy of giving gifts to other people; to think about the things that would delight those he loves; to think less of what is going to be given to him. One library book that we've enjoyed reading is Lucy and Tom's Christmas by Shirley Hughes. This book is a charming account of a brother and sister, both very young, as they prepare for and celebrate Christmas. In the story Lucy and Tom have both bought or made little Christmas gifts for each other and for those in their immediate family. They have carefully selected items that they know the recipient will enjoy and they are excited about giving them. What a great example for our boy!
Over the weekend Boo had several opportunities to put into practice what we've been discussing. I took him shopping to buy treats for the professor and all the grandparents. We went to Walgreen's. Boo made some nice selections and completed most of his Christmas shopping for less than ten dollars! Then, he and the professor's mother went shopping to pick out items for three local five-year-olds who come from needy families. Needless to say he was full of gift ideas that any five-year-old would love. In addition, the professor plans to take him shopping to select special gift for Tukes -- something especially for his brother.
As the time draws near for the giving of gifts I hope and pray that he will experience the joy and delight that comes when we show kindness and love to others, when we make them smile, when we think of others as more highly than ourselves.