You are two years old today, my darling boy. What excitement, you're on the brink of boyhood! I cling to the baby that you still are -- my sweet baby boy. That's what I say each night after I sing a blessing in your ear, "Good night my sweet baby boy. I love you."
You are an active little guy determined to keep up with your big brother. You love to listen to music... and sometimes you dance! You like to brush your teeth, and eat toast, and wear your shoes -- even with your pajamas. I love looking at the tiny pair of Crocs that we put on your feet each day.
You are good at saying yes... and even better at saying no! You are two, after all. When we ask you how old you are you enthusiastically answer, "dos." Each day you say new words. I am so proud of you! You are working hard to learn about the world and the people around you. Your play is your work.
You love to show us bugs; "oash" is what you yell when you see one. That is your way of saying roach, a name that applies to all bugs. You love to play with cars and trucks; you make excellent engine sounds. You love to read books. You love your bear -- your "duh" is what you call him.
You have blond hair; I never dreamed that I would have a golden blond little boy and I love it. You love to wear your too-small, madras plaid, summer sun hat. It makes you look like an old man; you are ridiculous and cute. At night I peak at you while you're sleeping. Many times you have your chubby little legs tucked up underneath you with your bottom in the air. You melt my heart.
You are and always have been my laid back little one. You go with the flow, which means that some days you get stuffed in your car seat more than either of us wish. Each morning you are strapped in the car so we can take your brother to school -- you never complain and you always cheerfully wave goodbye when we drop him off. You are a happy little fellow with a belly laugh that makes me smile every time I hear it. You are effortlessly funny; you bring joy and laughter to our home.
You bear the first name of your grandfather and father, a name that means "one who seeks truth." My fervent and daily prayer is that, like your namesakes, you will seek and find the Truth and "then you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free." (John 8:32) My deepest desire is, "that Christ may dwell in your heart through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge -- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." (Ephesians 3:17-19)
I pray that you will grow into a young man who loves God, who seeks to serve Him and build His Kingdom. Perhaps God will use you to point seeking hearts to the Truth. Whatever His plans are for you they are good, dear little one.
I praise God for creating you (oh how we wanted you) and placing you in our family. You are precious in His sight and mine. I love you.