James and Maryanne are our next door neighbors. He is an attorney; she works with a local caterer. They are in their early thirties and have no children. They are friendly enough but generally keep to themselves; we chat over the fence from time to time. The boys love their two dogs.
About two weeks ago Maryanne's mother, aunt, and uncle arrived from out of state. A few hours later I watched out my kitchen window as her uncle backed a moving truck into the driveway. Later that day her mother tearfully told me, over the fence, "James filed.... we're here to pack her up and move her home. That's all we can do. It's what we have to do."

In that moment my heart filled with sadness and I was reminded, again, that we live in a broken world, full of broken people -- people who are suffering. Some suffering is obvious, but I am convinced that many more are suffering in ways that we cannot see and sometimes in ways we cannot fathom.
I ache for Maryanne, for the hurt she must be feeling, for the loneliness that undoubtedly plagues her. I hurt for James coming home to a dark, empty house each night, for the loneliness that I'm sure, he too, must feel. But most of all I mourn for the missed opportunities.
The sad truth is there are people all around us living in clouds of suffering. The only balm that can truly heal it is a love greater than what we can offer them; it is the love and restoration found in Christ. When we love others, invest in relationships with them, we are giving them glimpses of an ocean of acceptance and healing and love found only in the grace and mercy of God.

I wish now that I had been more proactive in building a relationship with Maryanne. I wish that the professor and I, as a couple, had offered more to them than just a friendship over the backyard fence. There is not anything we could've done to save their marriage, but perhaps if we'd poured more of our lives into theirs, showing them Christ, things would have played out differently... better.
I pray that I'll be spurred on to be aware and sensitive to people and the burdens that they are carrying, to the suffering they are enduring. I pray that I will learn to love other people -- I fear that I am hopelessly self-loving. I pray that I will be a better bearer of the Gospel to those around me who are hurting, groaning for a healing that only Christ can provide.
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Romans 12:9-11