Just as I do not have it all together in real life, I'm certainly bumbling around a bit on the blogging front as well.
Flightygirl can definitely attest to that! Two weeks ago she sent me a very kind email which I failed to notice until this past weekend because it was mistakenly routed into my spam folder. When I did finally read and respond to her email I mistook her for someone else, sending a reply that I'm sure made no sense to her whatsoever! Afterall, I inquired about her wedding plans when she is in fact not only happily married but the loving mother of two adorable little boys. Oh dear... how hasty and thoughtless I can be. And so, dear
Kelly, I offer you my sincerest, humblest apologies for my lack of attentiveness. Please forgive me?!
For the rest of you, Flightygirl originally emailed me to tell me that she had found
Automoblox on clearance at Target. Wow, what a great deal! We made a quick trip to our local Target on Saturday evening and I'm happy to report that even now,
two whole weeks after her email, we also found Automoblox on clearance, although the selection was slim. For anyone who is interested in these high-quality toys please check your local Target store -- you just may be able to get them at a great clearance price!