Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Snowcone Afternoon

I sensed that my firstborn needed some one-on-one time, so this afternoon we took off together on a special outing. The professor and Tukes stayed home; hanging new interior doors and napping, respectively.

The sporting goods store is currently Boo's most favorite spot in town so that was our destination. We checked out the tents and the kayaks, bounced every basketball in the store, tested all of the fishing reels, and perused the Frisbees before picking out our dream bikes... and skateboards. And then my shopping companion decided that a motorized dirt bike is the perfect item to acquire when one is seven...
I do not agree.

After an hour of intense shopping we split a lemonade snow cone. As we finished it Boo told me, "I loved every drop." And I thought to myself, "I loved every second." Then I told him that I love him, that I'm so happy he is my little boy. He was quick to remind me that he won't always be a little boy. Gulp... I know... but I'm glad he is one right now.

I read once that children spell "love" T-I-M-E. I'd say that a few special hours spent with Boo today will be a lasting and valuable investment.