Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Simple Birthday Treat

Meredith's recent "One Stop Shopping" idea, gift shopping at the grocery store, encouraged and inspired me this past weekend...

Last Thursday afternoon Tukes began showing symptoms of Boo's raging stomach ailment. On Friday afternoon our pediatrician called to tell me that Boo's labwork indicated that we were dealing with more than just an ordinary stomach virus. My hopes of weekend birthday shopping for my mom were quickly lost somewhere between sick children, the remnants of Hurricane Fay, and being in survival mode.

However, I would be making a trip to Kroger to purchase essentials... Here is the rather humble birthday treat that I managed to scrape together for my mom using what I had on hand at home and what I found at the grocery store.

Kroger had summer printed, plasticware dishes marked down 50% so I bought this cute bowl for just over a dollar and then filled it with a bag of homemade granola. My mom often delivers her yummy homemade pimento cheese to friends; this bowl will be perfect for passing along to someone else.

Next I rummaged through my embroidery bag and found a striped tea towel in pastels -- perfect for my mom who loves soft colors. I chose to embroider "Bunny" (the boys' name of endearment for her) on it, adding a quirky little purple bunny at the bottom. The embroidery looks like it should be on a baby item rather than a tea towel... oh well, our Bunny doesn't mind about things like that!