Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mod Girl Out West, Day 4

Another beautiful day dawned this morning. We were up with the sun enjoying an alfresco breakfast. The professor was all nerves... being that it was his day to speak at the conference. Figuratively speaking, a mountain for him to climb.

As he set out on his journey for the day, I set out on one of my own... literally speaking, I had a mountain to climb!

A good friend, also attending the conference and a former resident of Phoenix, recommended "hiking" Camelback Mountain. Sounded like fun to me. I stuffed a map, the big camera, and a water bottle into my day pack, grabbed the keys to the rental car, and set out.

What I didn't realize was that my "hike" was really going to be a climb! On the way up I overheard someone on the trail comment, "You have to be half billy goat to do this." No kidding!

I enjoyed the camaraderie that we hikers climbers shared -- strangers offering each other tips, helping hands, and water. It was hot and dusty, but the view was incredible!

As I set out I noticed that everyone who was coming down the mountain was dusty, sweaty, and grinning. I felt the same way after I went up and then came down. The physical exhaustion is very real after such a climb, but there is also an energizing thrill. I would love to do it again some day.

Oh, and check out these modern homes that I spotted built into the side of the mountain!

So, that was my big adventure for the day. By lunch time I was cooling off at the pool and by two o'clock I was in bed asleep.

It was a fun, memorable day. We've had a great trip, but I'm ready to repack my suitcase and head east. I miss my boys and can't wait to see them tomorrow.