Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Where is your cell phone? Pocket
Your hair colour? Auburn
Your mother? Giving
Your father? Kind
Your favourite thing? Sunlight
Your dream last night? Forgotten
Your dream goal? Selflessness
The room you're in? Simple
Your hobby? Many
Your fear? Harm
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Here
Where were you last night? BabyShower
What you're not? Chic
One of your wish-list items? WaffleIron
Where you grew up? Dixie
The last thing you did? Cut
What are you wearing? Jeans
Your TV? Dusty
Your computer? iMac
Can't live without? Mercy
Your mood? Mellow
Missing someone? Grandparents
Your car? Used
Something you're not wearing? Rings
Favourite shop? Room&Board
Your summer? Humid
Love someone? Wholeheartedly
Love/Hate Relationship? 5:15 a.m.
Current addiction? Tea
Your favourite colour? Green
When is the last time you laughed? Today
When is the last time you cried? Weekend

So many of you have asked about our friends' little girl. And, I know that you are praying. Thank you! Here is a bit of an update written by her sweet mother...

The Lord continues to amaze us as {Little Girl's} numbers continue to improve! Her white blood count is now almost to the normal range, her kidney function is great... We will also be moved out of the Special Care Unit to a regular room! Please continue to pray for {her} low-grade fever, her abdominal discomfort, and that she would continue to sleep as well as she has the last two days.

Photos: "The Fall of Babar" or "I've Fallen and Can't Get Up"
Spotted at a local park.