Friday, November 7, 2008

Seasons and Colors

The changing colors of autumn leaves peaked this week.

Vibrant color all around... trees bathed in late afternoon sunlight... breathtaking.

My world is golden and crisp.

Yet, while autumn climaxes remnants of spring linger. Such is the confused life of the seasons here in the deep south.

Today my littlest man brought me blossoms from the impatiens that we planted in May. They've survived summer's heat and our first frost. We floated them in a little glass saucer.

And, there are the camellias that we rooted and potted in the spring. They wait in a line next to the shed to be nestled into the ground now that the air is cool.

"...the autumn scene on this vivid day was beautiful. It gave one comfort and hope to see the modest flowers, the blazing autumn woods, and to hear the lark singing above the immemorial downs. There may be many changes... but the seasons come round in their appointed time, steadfast and heartening to us all."
from Changes at Fairacre by Miss Read {aka. Dora Saint}