Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Heart Whispers

Four a.m. I've just calmed a frightened little one. He sleeps peacefully now. I, however, am wide awake. With wakefulness my heart is flooded with troubled, anxious thoughts.

Growing up is hard, there is no denying it, but no one warned me about the heaviness a mother's heart feels as she watches her own children encounter growing pains. Night fears are easily soothed away, other struggles... well, not so much.

I sit in the dark, unable to sleep. I am shadowed with anxiousness... and a lack of faith. I begin to confide in Him, the One who calls me by name.

As the eastern sun peeks over the rooftops and treetops, as golden rays gently shine through morning windows He begins to whisper to my heart. In love He reminds me...

...that He is faithful and true
...that He loves my boys more deeply than I do
...that He designed them with a purpose and plan
...that He holds them in the palm of His hand
...that He is close to those who are crushed in spirit
...that He remembers

His whisper enlivens and soothes my weary, worrisome mother-heart. Indeed, His compassions are new every morning.

As the day dawns I sense His presence and I move forward in faith to embrace this good day, praying that I will be ever sensitive to listen to the ever present Spirit.