Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Slowing Down

The calendar told me that this week would be busier than normal. God has a way of slowing us down when we can't make ourselves stop. Enter the stomach virus.

Ironically, Tukes has been quite jolly despite being under the weather... probably because we're not zipping around town doing "stuff." Candyland, books, and a wagon ride around the neighborhood were on the agenda today. Simplicity at its best.

I kept my camera close at hand all morning and pressed the shutter often. Look, I found beauty in our unrenovated, avocado bathroom. I doubt that I would have noticed if I'd been at the meeting that was on the calendar...

I'm thankful for the change in our plans this week; it has been nice to slow down {before we really even got going}. I'm thankful that He gives us days at home, and that He gives us eyes to see and enjoy our Father's world. 

Simplicity in the sunny office...

...all full of morning light. 

Today was a beautiful, ordinary morning... it made me wonder why I let the calendar fill up more often than I should. We're committed to living simply but I still fall into the trap of thinking that I need a reason for not staying busy. Our family is happier and more content when we have simple, quiet days at home. Isn't that reason enough?

Simple, ordinary bliss today {despite the germs}! Thank you, God, for slowing us down.