Friday, April 17, 2009

Cookies in a Pinch

We had impromptu lunch guests today. My floors were covered in cracker crumbs... and dry cereal... and "crunched up" magnolia leaves {don't ask}. Forget the floor mess, having something chocolaty and sweet to serve was much more important. Don't be impressed... I used a cake mix, but, oh, they were good!

Chocolate {Cake Mix} Cookies

In a large bowl mix together one boxed chocolate cake mix, two eggs, and 1/3 cup oil. Stir in some chocolate chips or nuts if you have them. A little splash of vanilla or Kahlua isn't bad either. Using a teaspoon, place scoops of dough on cookie sheets. Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes. So quick and easy you'll be embarrassed when the guests rave.