Friday, May 21, 2010

Seven Weeks Old

Hello Baby Girl, you are seven weeks old today. Oh, how we love you! You have found your special place in our family and stolen our hearts.

You are happiest in the morning when the day is fresh. Every evening, about the time that Daddy gets home, you become fretful. He tries hard not to take it personally.

Your happy spot is on your changing table, even when you're grumpy you become all smiles when we take you there.

{my favorite shot of the three of them... so far}

Your brothers adore you, and you adore them. They are still calling you Baby Sister! I love that.

I love how you grin at me in the middle of the night when it's just the two of us sitting in the dim light filling your tummy with milk.

You're sleeping well in the little pink bed that Bunny and Pop gave to you. You especially love to take a long morning nap.

{she and me photos by the professor}

Every now and then you coo at us. You are finding your sweet baby voice. And, that busy, little tongue of yours... oh, you are a funny girl!