Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Sunday Evening Potpourri

Little Brother enjoyed his first Ring Pop today. He relished every. single. lick. Thank you, Miss Laura.

This weekend I realized that in light of the fact that Baby Sister has red hair I really must find my childhood Becky doll for her to play with.

I am more stubborn than mustard stains. I am more stubborn than automotive grease stains. Victory on two counts! Now I'm hoping that I'm more stubborn than red clay mud stains because the Boys' Club decided to throw wet dirt clods at the back shed whilst wearing their Sunday best.

Last night the professor made she-crab soup... laced with sherry. Tonight he made delicious omelets. I could get used to having him cook on a regular basis.

I am not a superstitious person but I may have to become one for the sake of sleep. Baby slept from 10:30 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. {6.5 hours!) eight nights in a row. In my book that is sleeping through the night. As soon as I wrote and published, "Now that I'm getting more sleep under my belt..." she resumed her 2:00 a.m. cries for milk. I jinxed it. When and if she ever sleeps through the night again you will not read about it here.

That is all. Goodnight moon.