{my orchid, reflected}
Brain dead. That's me at the end of these summer days. That's me right now, sitting here in striped pajama pants with dry spit-up on my shoulder and hair that desperately needs to be washed.
Most evenings I have a photo or two that I'm eager to share with you, and often there are some thoughts to share as well, but lately I've found that after a busy, full day with the boys and Baby I'm utterly, completely, and totally inarticulate by the time everyone is tucked into bed.
I know hope this state of mind will only last for a season. In the meantime, I've decided that the least I can do is make a list of some of the mercies and small pleasures that God gently wove into my day.
So, today I am thankful for...
1. The early hours of quiet that I enjoyed this morning because everyone slept later than usual.
2. The professor concluded summer teaching yesterday. Today he began a month-long consulting project. While this contract work will be demanding, I'm thankful for every opportunity that he gets to continue practicing the profession that he teaches. And, I'm thankful that this particular consulting opportunity will, Lord-willing, provide all of the money that we need to install hardwood floors.
3. Moments to check in with friends and with my mom on the phone.
4. My mother-in-law offering to stay with a napping Baby Sister while the boys and I went to speech therapy this afternoon.
5. Today one brother made significant strides at speech while the other passed a screening with flying colors. After audio testing for both of them I'm thankful for four little ears that can hear perfectly.
6. A new issue of Real Simple in the mailbox.
7. Baby giggles.
8. Air conditioning during this extreme heat, and creative projects to do around the dining room table keeping our afternoons pleasantly busy indoors.
9. An evening walk with a happy baby in the stroller and the camera in my hand.
10. Pink crab apples tucked among bright green leaves.
Goodnight to the old lady whispering hush...