Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Two for Tea, and More...

...give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Giving thanks for...

21. An impromptu tea party with my middle man. We have a cookies and milk party planned next. Big Brother is at camp this week.

22. A Sunday evening double rainbow, just when I most needed to see it.

23. The professor filling up my car and getting it ready to drive to camp.

24. A beautiful morning spent driving through the country {to camp and back} listening to Ray Charles.

25. Baby seemingly down to five {sometimes six} feedings a day. Much easier.

26. A hug and, "Mommy. I wuv you, Mommy," from Little Brother.

27. Fresh peaches. And, tomato sandwiches.

28. Nursing and holding Baby. When we were at the lake with friends a few weeks ago a much older mother admonished me to, "Hold her... hold your babies as much as you can. Before you know it they'll be too grown-up to hold." I've tried to take this wisdom to heart, not just with the baby but also with the boys. There are a lot of useful {and silly} baby contraptions out there; I'm thankful that feeding sister requires me to sit quietly with her snuggled close.

29. An afternoon cat nap in the dim nursery because baby and I both fell asleep in the rocking chair.

30. Homemade waffles for dinner. Everyone enjoyed them.