Around here we're watching the last few days of summer break dwindle away. School starts next week. I'll miss the leisurely, slow pace that we've perfected over the last few months, but the relentless heat... well, lets just say that I won't be shedding any tears when it finally relents.
Last week, while the professor was conferencing on the other side of the country, the boys, the baby, and I spent a long stretch of happy days with my parents. We filled our time with fun activities and outings, drinking deeply of summer's freedom.
We're home now, a pleasant and peaceful place to be {where everyone sleeps well in the their own beds}, but the week's calendar is full of appointments and preparations that I would rather ignore. Tonight, I'm thinking about how overwhelmed I was at the beginning of summer as I wondered how I would fill the empty days for two active boys while caring for an infant. The summer days filled themselves, quietly and pleasantly one after another, and now as this season draws to an end I'm making a mental note to sit still while I can and enjoy these last few moments.