Friday, January 14, 2011

Spinning Records, Giving Thanks

Just take those old records off the shelf...

This week's theme for MCP Project 52 is Illustrate a Song. These "records" don't play old time rock and roll, but, as you can see, we've been spinning them all week thanks to the professor who dug this vintage beauty out of storage last weekend. Did you have a Fisher-Price Music Box Record Player?

Still counting His blessings with a thankful heart...

261. The perfect birthday gift for Little Brother.

262. He said, "Why don't you take the baby and visit your parents this weekend? I'll keep the boys."

263. Sister sitting in the sunlight mesmerized by floating dust fairies.

264. Two snow days.

265. The prick of conviction, the balm of forgiveness, the fresh start of repentance.

266. A particularly rough witching hour mommy sanctifying hour.

267. Grace when I needed it.

268. Early morning email from a dear friend.

269. All three kneeling at the front window looking out.

270. The boys' consciousness of her safety.

271. A fun evening with the professor.

272. Unexpected treats in the mail.

273. The joy of a project.

274. Tough decisions.

275. Her 4:30 a.m. wake-up call.

276. A hard transition.

277. The long weekend ahead of us.