Monday, February 21, 2011

The Moments He Gives

Old Man Winter seems to have taken a vacation... lately, we've had the most wonderful foretaste of mild spring weather. I've been throwing the windows wide open to let the fresh air in and we've been living outdoors as much as possible. This afternoon the children and I took a cookie picnic to the creek and then we picked daffodils on the walk toward home. February, with its Spring teases, is one of my most favorite months.

I'm happy to be meeting you here once again. My time away last week was refreshing... a much needed sabbath rest, if you will. Of course, the demands of life didn't relent {in fact, things have been crazier than normal} but God was gracious to give me some gentle, quiet moments last week.

Lately, the professor and I have been examining areas of our lives where we've slowly and unintentionally built up towers of obligations and expectations that we can't maintain. As a result, we're doing a bit of personal deconstructing and some restructuring in order to simplify. I've been praying and thinking a lot about what blogging should look like for me in this season of life and, by God's grace, I'm finding some direction.

Life is demanding at this stage, but, as God gives me moments, I look forward to continuing this little record of His beautiful gifts and this journal of our family's good time moments. I so appreciate each of you who faithfully visit here; many of you offer such kind and encouraging words. Thank you, my friends, for making me smile and for understanding that the rhythm and demands of life are constantly changing. As God gives me the moments, I look forward to visiting you too.