Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lasts and Firsts

There was a hint of cool in the air this morning. I threw open the windows to let in the fresh air. Miss Strawberry and I went for a long walk. The promise of fall coming enlivens me. While strolling around the neighborhood we found the sweetest smelling, dainty, white flowers and brought some home. I put them in a little pewter cup next to the open kitchen window.

The moving boxes are slowly being filled. We're starting to note lasts in this house... the last time to make muffins in the kitchen, the last time to mow the grass... the list of lasts is getting longer. And, we talk about the things we'll miss... my lovely kitchen sink under the window, oh how I'll miss you. But, there are many happy firsts ahead of us and new delights to discover. There will be new light to watch, a new neighborhood to explore, and new memories to make. The children keep growing, and we laugh and we love and we learn, and life, with its beauty and trials, we savor.