Friday, November 9, 2012

Quiet Days

These quiet days are good. It's what I need. Thank you for being patient with me. The intensity of the Spirit's conviction on my heart, of day to day life, and the noise of the internet {along with an insane amount of spam that I was receiving in the comments} got the best of me. But, broken and quiet places are good... for seeking Him and for listening to the Spirit's whisper.

About two weeks before we moved I perused Sister's meager fall and winter wardrobe, decided that she needed some things, and told myself, "After we move I'll make her some cute little a-line jumpers that she can wear over leggings and turtlenecks." I even looked at fabric. What was I thinking? We were moving! I finally pulled out my sewing machine this week, and {sort of} made a dress for myself. In the meantime, Sister's wardrobe has rounded out nicely thanks to the generosity of friends and grandmothers. It's always so sweet for me to see how God provides for us and clothes us like lilies.

I've been thinking a lot about spiritual gifts and talents and how to use them, and day to day ministry, and true community, and how it all fits together, and where I fit into all of it. Obedience is what is most impressed on my heart right now. And, love. And stewardship... of time, of desires, of priorities.

I'll keep thinking and listening, and, by His grace, I'll be obedient with gratefulness for all that is today.