Friday, January 11, 2013

Mild January Days

The holidays were wonderful. It was hard to see them end. This week we made it through our first full week of normal days, fairing decently, I think. These beginning days of January have been mild, as our schedule has been. I'm thankful. The mildness seems to make the transition gentler. A few days ago the professor found a giant pine cone resting in the front yard as if it quite belonged there. Except, we don't have a pine tree. I fear the wind that carried it our way. I put it in our fruit bowl and we've marveled at its size and design. Little Brother found a white camellia for me. "I hope you always bring me flowers," I told him with a smile. He has an eye for beauty. I hear it will be 76 degrees tomorrow which makes me wonder, is it really January? I'm not the only one who's confused, the irises have started pushing their green leaves up from the tired, brown earth. Who can blame them?