Wednesday, February 13, 2013

This and That

Hello, hello!

Around here we've been busy making Valentines {among other things like homework and Legos and Angelina Ballerina}. I love that Big Brother chose to write "Love is patient, love is kind" on his teacher's valentine. What truth! These are such fitting words for his teacher; she is patient and kind.

Bunny gave us Sister's dress ages ago but she has steadfastly refused to wear it. This morning I pulled it out and mentioned that it looks like a Valentine's dress. Suddenly, she was all about it! Go figure.

Several of you have expressed an interest in the Lenten Bible Reading Plan that I wrote about earlier this week. What a delight and an encouragement! I confess, I've been plagued with numerous doubts and uncertainties regarding it. Can I really do it? Sometimes I think I'm crazy. But, I feel led to do this and I'm thankful for those of you who have come alongside me and are taking part in the journey. I'm already finding that accountability and encouragement are vital.

If you're interested in following the reading plan, today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, so get started by reading Genesis. Take note that the forty days do NOT include Sundays. Use the Sabbath to rest from the intense reading pace, or to catch up if you're behind. This reading plan is not easy; it requires perseverance and prayer, discipline and sacrifice, but the blessing will be great. Don't be afraid to give yourself grace... we all have different life circumstances, we all read at different paces... if it takes you eighty days to complete the plan, rejoice, you'll still be feasting on the Word, which is the ultimate goal! If you're interested in following a Bible reading plan during Lent but aren't prepared to take on the entire Bible, you might be interested in Biblegateway's Lenten Gospel Reading Plan.

And, one more thing... please know that I always welcome your emails and feedback. I often fear that I'm being inhospitable by keeping the comments disabled here, but for me, for right now, it's best to keep them turned off... my heart is too easily distracted and misdirected. Thank you for understanding, and thank you, thank you, thank you for reading!