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Good Morning, Friday
Oh, how life has been full this week! I feel like shouting from the rooftop, "Good morning, Friday!"
If you peak out our big living room window into the backyard you'll see grass. It's rather sparse and I'm sure it will be dead by mid-July, but for now we have a bit of a lawn. It makes me happy. When I sit on the couch early in the morning to do my reading I love to look out and see all the green... green leaves, green grass, a veil of green... I am a green girl to be sure, always have been. Sister, who has been feverish this week, joined me early, early one morning, long before the boys were awake. We wrapped up together in a blanket and read Peter Rabbit, and looked out at the green.
Have you tried Magical Breakfast Cream? It's my new favorite breakfast discovery. I found the recipe in The French Women Don't Get Fat Cookbook by Mireille Guiliano. It's lovely and luscious. I've been eating it for breakfast all week; I use plain Greek yogurt and top it with strawberries. Delightful.
The boys are counting down the days until the end of school. So am I! Two weeks to go. Right now life is a flurry of school work and field trips and track and end-of-the-year events. It's been a little exhausting and overwhelming. Every morning I have to give a pep talk to myself and to the boys, "Let's finish strong... Keep going... We're almost there."
Speaking of overwhelming, while I was at the zoo with Little Brother's class the professor tore out all the ceilings on the lowest level of the house. It was a mess. It still is, kind of, but for good cause... first, a new HVAC system and then renovations to follow.
Our roses are in bloom. They grow in the side yard between the driveway and the edge of our little wooded place. I love seeing their bright elegance against the wild tangled green of the woods. The woods don't actually belong to us but we claim them for now. I expect one day the owner will clear some of them away to build a house on the crest of the hill. Until then, it's our little wooded place.
The last two times we've ridden our bikes down the hill to the park we've watched a Great Blue Heron take off in flight from the shore of the little lake. Breathtaking. Refined beauty is lovely but wild beauty... oh, how it declares the glory of God! It's true, what dear Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote:
Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.
Oh, that I may have eyes to see heaven and grace and Him! And a heart compelled to worship.
When I saw Fever Girl's bright eyes and big smile I knew she was feeling better. Her morning hair made me smile. This weekend look for Him in the common and when you find Him, take off your shoes.
Good morning, Friday. Good morning indeed!