The daffodils sitting on the table, all lively and bright, caught my eye in the winter-morning sun. I reached for the camera and snapped a few shots, focusing on the details... happy, yellow blooms, amazingly green stems, curly gray moss, and earthy clay pot. I loved it all. But, it wasn't until I downloaded the photos a day later that I saw the whole picture, and in the seeing I was reminded...
In this crippled world of trials and pain intermingled with beauty and blessing we seldom see the big, beautiful picture that the Father is creating. But in His loving grace, He tenderly gives us a precious reminder... "Take heart," He whispers, "I'm doing more than you can see, more than you can imagine. Trust me, dear one. I know your heart." One day I will fully see... and fully know... just as He fully knows little, broken, wondering me right now. Therein lies the comfort and the hope and the grace.
Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
1 Corinthians 13:12b