Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thinking of a special girl

Today's post is in honor of a very special family. A dear, life-long friend and her husband are patiently and joyfully waiting to be united with their sweet baby girl who is waiting for them in Peru. Each day I pray for all three of them, as I know the wait is hard -- harder than I can imagine.

O Lord, if it glorifies You, hasten the day when these three can be together. Give the parents a steadfast faith in the divine perfection of Your timing. Watch over this daughter -- preserve her and allow her to thrive, provide for her physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, and, most importantly Father, may she have a heart that loves You, that knows, even now, that You are her Heavenly Father.

An excerpt from An Orphan's Prayer
Even as I lay in the darkness
each night somehow I feel assured,
That no matter how lost I appear, I am not alone.
Holy hands guard my steps; sacred fingers wipe my tears, touching my lonely heart.
The one who made me,
The God that knew me before I was born,
Hears me every time I call.
He whispers His promises in my ear.
I listen with hope to His voice.

Author Unknown