Monday, September 3, 2007

A labor of love

This is the antique oak chest of drawers that is in Boo's room. I love the beauty of the aged wood, it's simple, clean lines, and the juxtaposition that the ornate hardware creates. I love how the top of it always houses a collection of boyish treasures -- Hot Wheels cars, a rock, some string, a plastic bug, a dinosaur model. This chest of drawers sat in the professor's bedroom as a child then moved on with him through college, grad school, singleness, and even the early days of marriage.

Several years ago we bought a new (old!) dresser for our bedroom and we shoved this one in the attic. It was in need of some major love and attention. With a fixer-upper first house and Boo as a baby we simply didn't have time to devote to the chest.

Then my dad stepped in. One weekend while my parent's were visiting us he drug it out of our attic, loaded it in the back of his car, and drove it home. While he had it he completely disassembled and refinished it, then reassembled it. Several months later, as we moved into a new (old!) house in a new town my dad once again loaded up that chest in the back of his car and hand delivered it to us, specifically to go in Boo's bedroom.

I love seeing that old chest of drawers in Boo's room. It makes me happy.