Wednesday, September 5, 2007

On creativity

The professor has this simple, yet bold, worldview statement posted in a prominent place where his students can read it:
My World View:
  1. God created us and our world for His ultimate glory.
  2. We (humans) are unique in that God created us in His image (likeness).
  3. Because of this, we inherited many attributes of our Creator…we think, we feel, and we create!
Think about it. There is a lot of truth there.

Genesis 1:31 says, God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning -- the sixth day. I would like venture to add to the professor's thoughts that not only do we create because we are made in the image of God, but we also possess an innate ability to recognize and enjoy beauty. Because we are made in His image we delight in His beautiful treasures and enjoy the artistry of the things that we create, just as God did on the evening of the sixth day proclaiming His creation to be "very good."

This blog is meant to be a record of my conscious effort to live creatively -- to stop and enjoy the beauty that surrounds me. Much of the beauty around me are things that God has created, still others have been designed and fashioned by other people, and the remaining I create myself, an outpouring of the inspiration that comes from the the world around me.

At times I wonder if I'm putting too much of a focus on "objects," thus turning this blog into a materialistic record of worldly things. That is not my; quite the contrary! In this season of my life God has placed me primarily at home, managing our household and caring for our boys. Out of my desire and attempts to create and recognize beauty most of what I share is going to be a reflection of what surrounds me -- the people and things within my home.

I've never considered myself to be a very creative person but I'm realizing that is a false perception. We are all capable of creating, some may be more talented than others, but we are created to create and to delight in it! As for me, well, I'm just a girl with a camera, a home, and a family, with a tiny bit of web space, and a few words in my head!

As you view my blog I challenge you to consider your own surroundings. What inspires you to be creative? Where do you look for and find beauty in everyday life? Once you start consciously looking for the beautiful treasures that are around you I guarantee that you'll be astounded by the innumerable ways that God reveals Himself each day. And, you will delight in expressing your own creativity as a way of glorifying your Creator!

This is my Father's world.
He shines in all that's fair.
In the rustling grass I hear him pass
He speaks to me everywhere.

from This is My Father's World
by Maltbie D. Babcock, 1901