The first year that the professor and I were married we lived in Ohio in a wonderful old 1940's apartment with hardwood floors, plaster walls, and huge casement windows.

In November we traveled south to spend Thanksgiving with his immediate and extended family. We came home from that holiday trip with a Magnavox high-fidelity stereo console in our possession.

The professor's grandfather bought the console decades before; it sat in his grandparents' living room for years, enjoyed by the family.

The time for downsizing had come for his grandparents, the console was put in storage, and then, much to my dismay, we inherited it. Somehow the professor and I managed to get it back to Ohio in our Honda and then lift that heavy thing up the steps to our second floor apartment. It looked great in the old place. We were delighted.

One thing that I love about the Christmas season is that we crank up the old console, the hi-fi is what we call it. We listen to the professor's grandfather's collection of big band and Christmas albums; things like Guy Lombardo, Glenn Miller, and Frank Sinatra. I have come to love the console; its music contributes to the season's festivities and I can't imagine the holidays without it.

1960's Danish modern Magnavox stereophonic high-fidelity stereo and console in walnut.