Friday, December 7, 2007

Just his size

Last week when Tukes and I made our weekly stop at the thrift store we spotted this darling little wooden Adirondack chair. I glanced at the price tag -- $4.99 -- I glanced again thinking surely I had misread and really it was $14.99. But, I was not mistaken it was just $4.99. I promptly picked it up and put it in the back of our shopping cart; then Tukes insisted on riding around the store in the chair which was in the shopping cart while we continued to browse.

Tukes is a content, easy-going little guy. He delights in playing with his brother's toys and reading his brother's books. And, I guess as is typical for a second born child he doesn't have much that he can claim as his very own. So, it brought me great delight to buy the little $4.99, in-good-condition, thrifted Adirondack chair for him. We've hidden it away and he'll rediscover it on Christmas morning. A little chair that is just for him that is just his size!