It was a rather pitiful state of affairs to be sure. I love my sunny little laundry room, but over the past few weeks and months the condition of my laundering space had pitifully declined.

I realized this the other morning as the sun's eastern rays poured into my desperately neglected little washing room. Dust balls in the corners, a collection of plastic grocery bags hanging from a door knob, clutter and dust all about, and a disgruntled pile of embroidery supplies and projects tossed carelessly on top of the dryer. Yes, my friends, the lady of the house had some details to attend too!

It's amazing, really, how quickly a room can be transformed with a damp rag, a few flicks of the broom, and some attentive decision making. My trusty washing and drying appliances received a thorough wipe down -- oh the dust! A cheerful blue and white kitchen towel became a nice resting place for all my washing supplies. The grocery bags were put with the recycling, the forgotten winter hat, gloves, and mittens were whisked away to their proper places, and things that needed to be thrown away were!

My increasing pile of embroidery paraphernalia found a happy home in a very suitable black and white toile tote bag. Yes, Tukes is now much to old and boyish to use it as his diaper bag!

Now everything is happier in my little room o' washing. And, so am I!