When I was a girl one of my favorite houses sat on the edge of a ridge. It was a low slung home, with cedar shingle siding painted a warm, earthy color that blended with the landscape. I loved the house's big, plate glass windows; there was a delight I found in looking straight through the house to the ridge view beyond when we would drive past.
Of course, at the time I didn't realize it but the house had many modern design elements. Years later I still love that house and I still find myself drawn to modern buildings. And God, in His perfect plan, purposed for me marry a modernist, the son of an architect. I've been getting a first-rate education in all things associated with 20th century modern architecture and design ever since!
The professor tells me that I've always been a modernist at heart, that he just drew it out of me, refined it so to speak. However, I'm not quick to label myself a modern purist (wasn't it Deb who observed that there is "a romantic at the modern homestead"). I love a broad spectrum of styles, each one different but all embracing a purposeful purity of form and function.
Lately, here at Modobject at Home we've talked a lot about the influence of modern design on products and furniture (modobjects!) and we've even touched a bit on modern art, but somehow architecture has been overlooked. So, I've added a new category, "spotlight on architecture" where I plan to periodically show local examples of various architectural styles.
Now remember, we live in a small, southern town so I'm not drawing from a rich, diverse pool, but even here in this college town there is beauty in buildings that I think should be shared. So, will you join me? Once every week or two we'll take a look at some of the unique buildings I see every day and talk about their design.
In the photo:
Eames House, 1945-1949
Pacific Palisades, California
Designed by Charles and Ray Eames
Image courtesy of Great Buildings.