The professor came home the other night to find me cutting hearts out paint swatches. Upon informing him of my grand idea to use them as cake decorations he rolled his eyes and said, "The paint swatches probably wouldn't be free if they knew that you were taking them home to cut them up and put them on cupcakes." I suppose he is right, but any place where paint is sold you can find free, beautiful, colorful paint swatches. I love them!

Perhaps you remember back in December I was shouldered with the task of providing Christmas cupcakes for Boo's class. Well, it happened again. This time it's valentine cupcakes for his class party. It's a job that I don't mind at all.

Not wanting to spend money on candy and sugar decorations, of which the kids will receive plenty, I drew my inspiration from The Barefoot Mama's idea of using paint swatches to create cute valentine cards (see her February 7 posting).