I've never expected to find a lizard in my kitchen, but I suppose that my expectations have always been a bit too low! Just a few days ago as we made our way to the kitchen door with backyard play in mind what should we behold? A lizard, of course, sitting sedately in the middle of the kitchen floor all beautiful and brilliantly green staring at us as if we should have been expecting him.
"Hello," he seemed to say to us, "I like you." Boo grinned and we both stared. Perhaps I should have offered the little chap some tea and cake; he certainly looked as if he was expecting it. I'm afraid that I wasn't a very gracious hostess, but it's not everyday that I entertain a lizard (or a lizard entertains me).
We delighted in watching him; he seemed at home. Boo told me to catch him in my hands. I told Boo to catch him in his hands. Neither of us had the courage to do it. Tukes just lay of the floor watching, grinning, and laughing. Come to think of it, so did Boo and so did I. All three of us sprawled on the kitchen floor just enjoying the little guy. A lizard in the kitchen is certainly a novelty... at least for us.

And then our visitor started to climb the cabinets. Oh dear. A lizard on the floor is cute and fun, but a lizard climbing and crawling about inside my house is not so exciting. I fluttered about, caring not to hurt him but preferring that he climb on the exterior of the house. The professor, on the other end of the phone, kept reminding me that simply asking him to go outside probably wouldn't work. He suggested some guidance with a broom, but oh, I was afraid I would hurt or scare him.
In the end we threw the kitchen door open wide, letting the sunshine pour in. And, our little green friend decided that maybe outside was better than inside afterall. He slowly made his way into the sunlight, through the open door, across the threshold, and then jumped into his home among the boxwoods and the liriope.
I will not be surprised if we see him again. Maybe next time I'll offer him tea and cake.