Tuesday mornings find me happily ensconced in the comfort of my friend Erin's living room. Tukes toddles down the hall with two little friends to play in her playroom, while she hands me a cup of tea and fixes delicious snacks -- cranberry biscuits, yogurt-fruit parfaits, little grilled bacon and Havarti sandwiches spread with preserves.
It's five of us, all mothers with young children, who gather at Erin's. Karen, a lady who is older and wiser than us, leads us in studying the Word and in prayer. Our little group has many faces -- faces of discipleship, mentoring, building relationships. Tuesday mornings are a highlight in my week.
We're studying what God says about anxiety and fears. There are some very anxious, fearful corners of my heart, I'm afraid. Always room for sanctification.
I am thankful for and blessed by Erin and Karen's obedience to the Spirit's prompting.
Erin displays true hospitality -- she uses her home to minister. Her house rarely looks perfect but she is always welcoming us excitedly, with a smile, with delightful touches of comfort, and with encouragement.
Karen, in obedience, has embraced the Lord's call for older women to teach the younger women. I am so very, very blessed by her example... and challenged.
There are blessings in obedience. Not just blessings for the one who obeys but also for those whose lives are touched by that obedience.
I pray that I will be obedient -- not to attain the blessing but to glorify the Father's name and touch the lives others.