Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mod Girl Out West, Day 2

We woke before daybreak this morning, 5:30 Mountain Time, but our bodies thought that it was several hours later. A new day!

It was 40 degrees this morning in Flaggstaff, brrrrrr! I put on jeans and long sleeves. I know, I'm a southern, chilly weather wimp! After breakfast we set out to photo the town.

Historic downtown Flaggstaff.

No, this is not where we stayed! Loved the sign, though.

One of many warm, cozy coffee shops.

Morning light in the stairway.

After a nice stroll around Flaggstaff we drove north to The Grand Canyon National Park.

Armed with cameras... the professor had the big daddy and I toted my little Cannon... we set out to shoot the canyon despite less than perfect lighting. Above, the professor's panoramic shot from Mather Point.

Words and camera are inadequate to express the grandeur of the canyon.

Native American Hopi house.

I hope that I haven't bored you tonight with photos of rocks! The blue, blue skies and wide open spaces are inspiring.

We're settling into conference mode now. Tomorrow will be a much slower day.

Across America, and at the Grand Canyon, flags flew at half-staff today. We will not forget.