Monday, October 13, 2008

Hometown Sights

The Reverend Zack Benefield, evangelist, had been called in to Rehoboth Church like a doctor to a patient. Rehoboth was more than a hundred years old and, some thought, dying. A country church, surrounded by large farms that had swallowed up the small ones, many of its members had moved away.

from "Tongues of Flame" in Tongues of Flame
by Mary Ward Brown

So they were among the last to reach the grave site, on the far side of the cemetery, the old hilly part. Ainsworth markers, going back a hundred and fifty years, shared with those of other early settlers the gentle slopes and hollows. Around it all, a line of trees curved as in fraternal embrace.

from "The Birthday Cake" in It Wasn't All Dancing
by Mary Ward Brown

David still referred to his mother's house as home, to their own home as "the house." "I'll run by home and see Mama, then meet you at the house," he began to say each afternoon as Mrs. Worthy grew worse. He also ran by on his way to work in the morning, and sometimes during lunch.

from "New Dresses" in Tongues of Flame
by Mary Ward Brown