Baby Sister has been monopolizing the milestone spotlight around here lately but today, Little Brother, is your day... today you are 4.5 years old. Where is my round-cheeked, roly-poly baby boy? He is swiftly disappearing, but the lanky boy that is replacing him is just as endearing.
You are one of the most contented children I have ever met. After we survived your newborn days {when you gained five pounds during your first six weeks of life and nearly killed me with exhaustion in the process} you have been content. I admire your contentment with what you have and with what life gives you... you accept gratefully and live happily rarely asking for more.
You are creative. You are constantly making things, painting, drawing, taping, and glueing. You're full of fun and unique ideas.
You are happy. Oh, how your presence in my life brings me joy. You make me smile and laugh everyday because you are funny. {This often makes discipline hard!} I delight in your delight with the world around you. I love to watch you enjoy life's small pleasures.
You are careful and cautious, and often resistant to change, but you have transitioned into your new big brother role with boldness. We've asked a lot of you lately... you've given up your baby spot in the family and you've given up your room... but you've done these things with eagerness and excitement. As neither the baby nor the firstborn you have embraced your new middle-place in our family with dignity. I am so proud of you, my son... and I hold you right in the middle of my heart.
May the Lord direct your heart into God's love and Christ's perseverance.
2 Thessalonians 3:5