I suppose that figuring out how to roll over {well, almost roll over 'cause that fat little arm gets pinned every time} is exhausting.
Today, as always, was full of blessings. Here are a few:
41. Watching a bluebird in the backyard.
42. The boys having fun at a "boy party" -- a party for boys to do boy things. Chaotic fun.
43. The UV filter fell off of my camera and broke. I'm so thankful I didn't lose the whole lens!
44. Baby's tight grip on my thumb.
45. A little extra sleep this morning. Miss 5 a.m. decided to sleep in an extra hour!
46. Laughing uncontrollably with the boys while reading to them. Otis Spofford is the perfect boy book.
47. Desk work and phone calls accomplished.
48. Listening to Little Brother sing the fruits of the Spirit.
49. Rain. Oh how we needed it, our lawn has practically turned to "grickle grass".
50. Friends.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise;
give thanks to Him and praise His name.
For the Lord is good and His love endures forever;
His faithfulness continues through all generations.
Psalm 100:4-5