And then he ran out.
And, then, fast as a fox,
The Cat in the Hat
Came back in with a box...
Then he got up on top
With a tip of his hat.
"I call this game FUN-IN-A-BOX,"
Said the cat.
"In this box are two things
I will show to you now.
You will like these two things,"
Said the cat with a bow.
from The Cat and The Hat by Dr. Seuss
And, here are ten more thankful things...
51. Baby's loooong nap {4 hours!} which gave me some time to sew.
52. The professor's faithful, hard work to provide for us.
53. New-to-us books from a library that discards really good, old books and leaves them free for the taking. And, the friend who shared her book-source with me along with some from her own collection. And, I can't forget her daughters who babysat while we rummaged.
54. That the Lord gives us strength to carry out His service {1 Timothy 1:12} because I sure need it these days.
55. Re-reading the funny parts in Otis Spofford with the boys just so we could laugh all over again.
56. An empty week that God has filled with just enough fun activities to keep us pleasantly busy, but not too busy.
57. An answered prayer... I prayed for direction and wisdom in selecting a Bible for us to give to Big Brother on his upcoming birthday. I wanted one with a bit of kid appeal but nothing cartoon-y or over simplified. Just as I was beginning to grow frustrated with my choices God led me to the perfect one, and it was the only one like it on the shelf!
58. An evening walk because it wasn't over 100 degrees today.
59. Seeing decorated paper lunch bags and art supplies spread across the table.
60. The opportunity to go to bed early which I'm about to do after I finish my Graeter's ice cream {and I'm grateful for that too}!
When all Thy mercies, O my God,
My rising soul surveys,
Transported with the view, I’m lost
In wonder, love and praise.
words by Joseph Addison in 1712