71. Coins on the counter mean that the professor is home. After five weeks of out-of-state consulting work {thankfully he was home on the weekends} I'm so thankful that he's home for good.
72. Coins on the counter can't buy the help that my in-laws provided while the professor was away. Every single evening after dinner one of them was here to help oversee the boy's bedtime routine while I fed Baby Sister. I am so thankful for their selflessness.
73. Coins on the counter mean that all of our needs are met and we have extra to share.
74. Coins on the counter can't purchase time. I'm thankful for the alone time that Big Brother and I shared over oatmeal this morning while the little ones slept. We designed the cupcakes that he'll take to school later this week.
75. Coins on the counter mean that I will tuck milk money into my school boy's lunch bag tomorrow.
76. Coins on the counter can't buy a napping baby so I'm thankful that I already have one, and that our busy morning didn't deter her from getting the rest she needs.
77. Coins on the counter remind me of newlywed laundromat days and how thankful I am to have a washer and dryer in my own home.
78. Coins on the counter can't purchase good friends like the one who offered to watch my children while I went to the eye doctor this morning and the one who likes to organize play dates. I'm thankful to share relationships with other mothers who understand...
79. Coins on the counter remind me that we're getting so close as we save up for new floors.
80. Coins on the counter are nothing compared to the riches of God's mercy and grace that I have in Christ. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace that He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. Ephesians 1:7-8
Still counting His blessings...