Thursday, January 20, 2011

Of Beautiful Babies and Such

I suppose every mother is entitled to believe that her baby is the most beautiful baby in the world so I feel justified in saying that my baby is the most beautiful baby in the world! Total strangers support me in this belief; it seems everyone loves to see a redheaded baby. When we're out and about Baby Sister induces smiles, turns heads, and stops traffic with her copper colored angel hair.

For me, her red hair is a symbol {just as she herself is} of how the Father loves to surprise and delight His children in unexpected ways... in ways we don't deserve! And, isn't that the gospel in a nutshell? All glory to Him, He does great things.


And speaking of Sister... she had her 9-month check-up this week. For posterity's sake I'm noting here that she weighs 16 pounds, 5 ounces and is in the tenth percentile. My parents tell me that when I was a baby, and on the smallish side of the growth curve, the pediatrician noted that "she's at the bottom of the chart, but at least she's on it." Apparently the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


My parents also enjoy retelling of story of the day I came home from preschool talking about a boy named Alexander. "What is his last name," they asked. "Zander!" I replied with indignation.

I'm not sure what it is about preschoolers and names but Little Brother has been coming home this week talking about a new friend in his class named Chahee. Really? Seriously?! Chahee? I think there's been some kind of misunderstanding. Maybe her last name is Zander.

Have you seen Kerianne Brown's beautifully simple baby photography? Her work has been a tremendous inspiration to me this week.


Last of all, I must acknowledge that Big Brother is totally rocking big number column addition! After several days of blood, sweat, and tears during the homework hour it is clickin'. Way to go, Bro!