Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Give freely

Last week I received a treasured gift, a pair of exquisitely hand embroidered pillowcases. They came from Romania, made by a young wife and mother as a gift of gratitude for the maternity clothes and baby items sent to her earlier this summer.

These "pillow slips" (as the professor's grandmother called them) will always remind me of the joy and blessing that comes in giving. Upon seeing them I hope that I will be prompted to consider how I can share His bounty, of which I have been entrusted.

When I look at the perfect little stitches I will remember to pray for a young mother who is not so very different from me: she is seeking to know and love God, to cherish her husband, to nurture her children, and to create bits beauty... Suddenly the world doesn't seem like a big place at all.