Friday, July 4, 2008

Snacking... and a milestone

After breakfast but before lunch Tukes helped himself to cereal.

I caught him.

After his afternoon nap he enjoyed pretzels on the living room floor...

...complete with the picnic blanket.

Today Boo lost, I mean really lost, his first tooth. I noticed a gap in his mouth after lunch... sure enough his very loose tooth was missing. He never noticed when or where it fell out! Gulp... we think he swallowed it with his lunch. Poor little guy, he is disappointed to be without a tooth to put under his pillow. He wants the money so that he can buy a rocket.

It's been a work-around-the-house day. We're off in just a bit for a cookout, cobbler, and fireworks. I hope everyone is having a fun and safe July 4!