Sunday, October 12, 2008

Weekend Fun {and a Treasure}

On Saturday morning the professor had all manner of noise and dust planned for the day, what with tearing out kitchen wallpaper and paneling, and hanging sheetrock. So, the boys and I tossed overnight bags in the car and hit the road for a few hours headed west... time to visit my parents, Bunny and Pop.

And, it's been a really nice weekend. Bunny has filled us up with fried okra and apple crisp, we've been to the playground {twice}, swung on the porch swing, and ridden down the driveway {even me} in the old red Radio Flyer wagon. Pop set up the electric train and grilled steaks, we've read books and played and laughed. And, guess what... I found a cute skirt in a consignment shop for $3.98!

Yes, it's been a wonderfully nice weekend. One day I hope my children enjoy visiting me as much as I enjoy visiting my parents.

And, here's another great weekend delight... my new Red Rooster. Do you like him?!

It seems that my Uncle Price, my mother's brother, knew Amos Kennedy when he lived in York, Alabama {my mother's childhood home and my uncle's lifetime home}. It also seems that Mr. Kennedy gave my uncle some of the posters that he letterpressed for local town events. In turn, four years ago, my uncle gave these posters to my mother, because, you know, she always wanted to attend the Rooster Day Festival, but was never able to make it to York for the occasion.

After my mom heard about our introduction to Amos Kennedy last weekend she dug the prints {three of them} out of a closet and gave them to me {much to my delight}! This Red Rooster is my favorite... I've got big plans for him.

Mod Hubby, you know that I rarely make a specific request when it comes to home decor, but the Red Rooster is an exception. I like him and I want to keep him... in my kitchen!

So, here's to happy long weekends, a few days out of school, Amos Kennedy, Bunny and Pop, my Uncle Price, and one great husband who worked all weekend to renovate my kitchen so that I can hang the Red Rooster one day very soon!

The end.

{Ironwork photos taken on the back porch of my parents' home.}