Sunday, November 16, 2008

Rambling on a Chilly Sunday Night

I sense festive anticipation in the air. The holidays are approaching... tinges of excitement. However, I find myself clinging to these breezy, golden autumn days not yet ready to embrace the season of holiday traveling, cooking, and bustling about or the winter days that will follow. Yes, right now, for me, simple autumn afternoons are perfect.

Today we hurried home from church, ate our turkey sandwiches, and made for the country where we tromped about the grounds of this old southern homeplace. I'd be quite happy to take my tea on its sunny porch and, on drafty mornings, my grits by the fire. Perhaps I would even employ a dignified and loyal butler.

We scuffled through leaves, warm in our sweatshirts, enjoying the sun and wind. After feeding the fish we met Nina, a stout and fine looking standard schnauzer. I think, if I had a dog, a standard schnauzer would be nice.

The professor has decided that we should cultivate a planter filled with moss... an indoor container moss garden, so to speak. I don't know if such a thing is possible. I think I'll continue nurturing the orchids... he can look after the moss.

I've been sewing and sewing and sewing. Today I practiced making buttonholes. This week I'm looking forward to showing you what I've been stitching together. Nothing grand, I assure you, but I am enjoying myself.

This evening after eating breakfast for dinner I threw all of our orange peels into a pot, added some water, sprinkled in cinnamon and cloves, and set it to simmering. The house smells deliciously cozy.

On this chilly night our family is warm, well fed, and full of happy memories from a simple autumn afternoon.