Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Let Him Eat Cake... and Donuts, Too

Turning four was lots of fun, although we were not permitted to sing the Happy Birthday song.

Miss Brown Eyes delivered chocolate donuts and a balloon to the birthday boy... oh my, she does know the way to this little man's heart!

For those of you who know Tukes one glimpse at his birthday cake will make you smile, then giggle, and, finally, nod knowingly. I can't imagine a cake that better captures my little guy's funny, laid back, creative personality.

In keeping with the birthday tradition that the professor's mother established several years ago with big brother, she took Tukes to the bakery so that he could pick out his own birthday cake. It seems that none of the cakes were just right so he proceeded to design his own. Of course Khaki let him... she is a grandmother after all. Incorporating the whimsy of cupcakes with his serious love of chocolate, Tukes brought the best of both worlds together into one.

Needless to say, after donuts, cake, and ice cream {oh, and there were some cookies involved as well} we're facing major sugar withdrawal today.