Wednesday, February 24, 2010


couch view

These days it seems that I feel sluggish and contemplative more often than not. After lunch I find myself gravitating to the couch {it's bathed so nicely in warm sunlight in the afternoons} where I read with Little Brother and then stretch out to doze like a cat or think about how our foursome that will soon be a fivesome.

Yes, I desperately need to mop floors, vacuum, and cook meals to freeze but such tasks are requiring a three-day pep talk to motivate myself. I wonder, when will I get another burst of nesting energy?

This morning we had beautiful, peaceful snow showers. Because this is the deep south and snow of any sort is a marvel I tried to capture it with the camera through the bedroom window. It was a lot prettier in person.

An afternoon cup of tea with a dose of solitude was a nice pick-me-up today... that and a ginger lemon creme cookie. Yum. Such niceties help carry me through the school carpool line, the flurry of after school snacks, play, and homework, then dinner.

Can you see the fourth item up? Bows! Every little girl should have one.

Yesterday I started placing tiny socks, nightgowns, and sleepers in the baby's chest of drawers. What delight! As I worked my mind started racing, "Oh yeah, we're going to need diapers and wipes... Where are the receiving blankets... Don't forget about baby wash for bathtime... And hooded towels... Do we even own a bottle {no} or pacifier {no}... Baby Sister needs a hat."

Why didn't I think about these things before now? Clearly it's been a while since we've had an infant in the house. I seem to have forgotten about all the little necessities {like Tylenol drops} that we'll want to have on hand... so I started a list. But I'm still feeling kind of spacey about it all. What would you put on your list?