Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Small Steps

Now that treatment has officially ended, my mother's Bard Power Port was removed today. Another step in her cancer journey... each step made with faith that she {we!} are coming closer to the end of this path. While I wouldn't have chosen this painful way for her, or for our family, I can say with all praise and surety that the Father has been present and is at work revealing Himself to us in ways that we would not have seen otherwise.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4

Empty vases are so forlorn. I cannot let winter and its lack of green stop me from bringing the outdoors inside so yesterday I filled my kitchen with sticks! When we lived in South Carolina there was a magnificent eucalyptus tree that grew across the street from our house in a little school science garden. Sometimes during naptime I would dash across the street with clippers in hand coming home with an armful of fragrant sprigs. The clippings filled empty vases beautifully, dried perfectly, and smelled divine. I miss that tree.

After last week's frenzy I'm learning to take my nesting, cleaning, and beautifying urges in small steps rather than giant, exhausting strides.

This is me {and baby} as of yesterday. Today I am two months and one day away from my April 10 due date. My doctor tells me that I am measuring a little ahead of schedule, a first for me as I am a small person who tends to have small babies. I pre-registered with the hospital today, a small step in bringing us closer to meeting Baby.

This morning I began earnestly working on consolidating the boys' bedrooms. They have been happily bunking together for several weeks but Little Brother's things must be moved and made at home in the bunk bed room. It's no small task... many more small steps to go.

As for nursery plans... well, they're still just plans. My talented interior specialist, the professor, and I have a vision and some work to do. I'll show you our inspirations for the room tomorrow.

And finally, for the little blessing within me whom we can't wait to meet...

Blessings upon you
My baby unborn
Safe in your mother
Asleep and so warm
Sleep must come easy
To those who’re unborn
As the Maker so silently
Fashions your form
Sleep while you can now
So watery and warm
For outside this world
Is a terrible storm
Too soon you’ll discover
The taste of your tears
So sleep now my baby
My loved one, my dear
"Lullaby for the Unborn"
by Michael Card